Frequently Asked Questions
College Students | 2025-2026 School Year
- Is it possible to schedule a time to tour the apartment community and view an apartment?
- Yes, please call the on-site resident manager at 435.753.0757 to schedule a time to view the model apartment and apartment community. The on-site resident manager lives in Apartment #60.
- Does Pine View West rent to students during the summer months?
- No, Pine View West rents exclusively to summer citizens during the summer months.
- Will I be able to live with my friends or in a certain apartment of my choice?
- Apartment reservations are determined by the earliest date the application and deposit payment are received. Any apartment or roommate preference you may have should be listed on your rental application. All requests will be accommodated to the best of our ability. You will be notified if a request cannot be met before your application is processed.
- When will I receive information about my apartment reservation and roommates once I have applied for housing at Pine View West for the 2025-2026 school year?
- Registered applicants will be sent a confirmation email with a letter and rental documents to sign electronically to the email address provided on the rental application within 45 days after the application and security deposit payment have been processed. In mid-May, registered tenants will be emailed a welcome letter with information regarding their apartment reservation. Due to privacy policies, Pine View West does NOT provide addresses or telephone numbers of tenants to other tenants. Apartment number assignments or roommate(s) may change due to preference changes and cancellations. Registered tenants are moved as needed throughout the summer in order to create the best possible roommate situation for each apartment. If a student applies after June 1, 2025, and an apartment space is still available, the protocol detailed above will apply.
- When will I find out the names of my roommates?
- Roommate names will be given to registered tenants beginning on Thursday, August 7, 2025. Please call the main office at 480.661.0404 or send an email request to support@pineviewwest.com. Registered tenants must request the names of roommates. Roommate information is not sent to registered tenants. Due to privacy policies, Pine View West does NOT provide addresses or telephone numbers of tenants to other tenants.
- Is there a fee for parking?
- A registered tenant may park one vehicle in the general parking lot at Pine View West at no cost. (This does NOT apply to tenants who have paid for a reserved covered parking space.) The vehicle must have a current parking permit on it and must be registered with management. Parking is limited and Pine View West cannot guarantee a parking space will always be available. Detailed parking information is provided to all registered tenants at the time of check in.
- Is it possible to move into my apartment earlier than Saturday, August 16, 2025?
- The earliest date a registered tenant may move into their assigned apartment is on Saturday, August 16, 2025 between the hours of 1:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. (MDT). Please check in with the resident manager in Apartment #60. Registered tenants must show a picture ID in order to check in; no one can check in for you. Tenants who arrive at the apartment complex earlier than 1:00 p.m. (MDT) on August 16th will not be accommodated. Please do not bring perishable items to move in prior to 1:00 p.m. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in this matter.
- Are there specific hours I may check into my apartment on or after Saturday, August 16, 2025?
- Yes, any registered tenant may check in Saturday, August 16th beginning at 1:00 p.m. (MDT) and Sunday, August 17th beginning at 3:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. (MDT) and Monday, August 18, 2025 through Saturday, August 23, 2025, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (MDT). If you need to move in on Sunday, August 24, 2025 check in hours are 3:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. (MDT). Please check in with the resident manager in Apartment #60. You must show a picture ID and no one can check in for you. If you need to check in other than the times listed above, please contact the resident manager in advance to schedule a time to check in at 435.753.0757.
- Is there guest parking available on the premises?
- There is no long-term guest parking on the premises. However, a non-resident may park in the Pine View West parking lot for no longer than ten minutes to pick up or drop off a tenant or visitor. The vehicle parked in the parking lot must have the headlights ON to avoid being booted. If a vehicle is parked on the premises without a current parking permit for longer than ten minutes, with or without the headlights turned on, the vehicle will be subject to booting.
- How do I obtain a reserved covered parking space?
- A limited number of covered parking spaces are available at Pine View West to registered Pine View and Pine View West tenants. If you are interested in reserving a space, please send payment of $300.00 (for the academic school year) with your rental application. A tenant who obtains a covered parking permit may only park in their reserved covered parking space and may not park in the general parking lots of Pine View Apartments or Pine View West Apartments. NO EXCEPTIONS.
- Are utilities included in the rent?
- Yes, high-speed internet (Xfinity-Comcast), Logan City utilities (electricity, water, sewer, garbage and recycling) and gas utilities (heat and hot water).
- Are tenants required to pay any monthly utilities?
- No, high-speed internet (Xfinity-Comcast), Logan City utilities (electricity, water, sewer, garbage, recycling, and 9-1-1 services) and gas utilities (heat and hot water) are included in the rent.
- Is there a television furnished in the apartment?
- Yes, a wall-mounted 50-inch Ultra HD Smart TV and shelf for your components is furnished in the living room of each apartment. Click here to view an image of the TV and component shelf.
- Are the apartments wired for TV and high-speed internet?
- Yes, high-speed internet provided by Xfinity-Comcast is included in the rent. Online streaming TV services such as YouTube TV, Hulu or Sling (there are others as well) can easily be accessed through the Smart TV located in the apartment using the provided high-speed internet service. Satellite television is not available at Pine View West Apartments.
- How much is the fee to launder clothing at the on-site laundry facility?
- All commercial washers and dryers are mobile pay compatible using the Pay Range App or coin-operated (quarters only). The cost for a regular wash load is $1.25; $1.50 for a super-wash load, and $1.25 per dryer load. There are two wall-mounted clothes racks in the laundry facility.
- Are vacuums available for tenants to use at the apartments?
- Yes, a vacuum is located in the kitchen utility closet of each apartment. Vacuums must remain on the premises.
- Am I allowed to use bed risers to gain additional storage space under my bed?
- Yes, wood or plastic bed risers may be used. Economical bed risers may be purchased at Walmart, Amazon.com, or Bed, Bath and Beyond. Cinder blocks are not allowed in the apartment.
- How do I report a repair or maintenance problem in my apartment or at the apartment complex?
- A Maintenance Request Form may be sent through the company website. Click on the MAINTENANCE REQUEST tab on the navigation bar. If the request is of an urgent matter, please immediately inform the resident manager or the main office. Maintenance Request Forms are also located in the laundry facility. Please complete it and place it in the correspondence box. All repairs are to be completed within three business days of notification. If a maintenance or repair issue is not completed to your satisfaction, please notify the main office as soon as possible at 480.661.0404. As a courtesy to our residents, light bulbs are replaced for free. Simply complete a Maintenance Request Form stating the type of light bulb that needs to be replaced and the resident manager will replace it.
- What options are available for paying rent?
- Tenants have the choice to pay rent by the month, multiple months, by the semester, or by the year. Payments may be made by personal check, money order, cashier’s check, credit card, debit card, or cash. Tenants may pay rent online from a checking or savings account via ACH (Automated Clearing House), debit card, or credit card. Credit card payments can only be processed online. To make a payment online, click the PAY RENT tab and follow the instructions on the page of the company website.
- When is rent due if paying on a monthly basis?
- Rent is due on the first day of each month and late after the fifth day of each month. There is a $10.00 per day late fee after the fifth day of each month with a maximum monthly late charge of $70.00.
- What will my address be at Pine View West?
- 756 East 1000 North, Apartment #, Logan, Utah 84321
- Are pets permitted at Pine View West?
- No, pets of any kind are strictly prohibited on the premises.
- Is smoking or drinking of alcohol allowed in the apartments or on the premises?
- No, the use or possession of alcohol, tobacco, illegal drugs, drug paraphernalia in any form, including vaporization, is strictly prohibited on the premises.
Property Address
Pine View West Apartments
756 East 1000 North
Logan, Utah 84321
Contact Us
Main Office: 480.661.0404
Resident Manager - Apt. 60: 435.753.0757
Fax: 480.452.0927
Email: Contact Us
Mailing Address
Pine View West Apartments
PO Box 6618
Scottsdale, Arizona 85261